Source code for randword.rand_other

from random import choice, randrange, getrandbits, random
from time import sleep

from .utilities import get_data

[docs]def magic_8ball() -> None: answers = get_data('other', 'magic_8ball_answers') def main() -> None: input('Ask me a question:\n ') print('Thinking...') sleep(randrange(0, 3)) print(f' {choice(answers)}\n') while True: main() repeat = input('Would you like to ask another question? [Y/N] ') if repeat.upper() != 'Y': print('Come back if you have questions.') break
[docs]def flip_coin() -> int: if random() < 0.01: return -1 else: return int(getrandbits(1))
if __name__ == '__main__': print(flip_coin())